Children’s Council of San Francisco

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  3. Children’s Council of San Francisco
Events at this venue

Family/Educator Workshop: RCP Y Primeros Auxilios (Spanish CPR) 20252501

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Al completar la clase de un dia de 9am-5pm, usted obtendrá su certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute).Esta clase de Primeros Auxilios y RCP Pediatrico (CPR and First Aid- Spanish) te concederá certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute) lo cual es un programa de entrenamiento afiliado y aprobado por la Autoridad de Servicios […]


Family/Educator Workshop: CPR & Pediatric First Aid (English) 20251101

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

At the completion of this one day course from 9am-5pm, you will receive your certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI).This pediatric CPR and First Aid class will grant you certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI), which is an approved affiliate training program by the California EMS Authority (EMSA).This class is a […]

$10.00 - $120.00

Family Event: Wednesday Playgroup 202502-06

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Playgroup for children, parents & caregivers, fun activities, build young brains + resources + ideas for home. MAX Capacity: 20 adults/kidsPlease join us at Children's Council, in room 120 @ 10:30-11:30 AM for Playgroup to engage in activities to support connection and communication, including resources and ideas you can use at home. Designed for children […]

Free - $50.00


Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

完成此上午9點至下午5點的一日課程後,您將獲得健康與安全學院(HSI)頒發的認證這門兒科心肺復甦術(CPR)與急救課程將授予您由健康與安全學院(HSI)頒發的認證,該機構是加州緊急醫療服務局(EMSA)認可的附屬培訓計劃。HSI 的 MEDIC First Aid PediatricPlus 培訓課程已獲加州緊急醫療服務局(EMSA)全州範圍認可,並符合加州對托兒服務提供者的培訓要求(22 CA ADC § 100000.17)。此課程為一日課程,安排在指定日期的上午9點至下午5點舉行。您必須全程參與才能獲得認證。課程地點:445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA 94114。課堂期間不允許攜帶兒童,並且不提供托兒服務。若遇緊急情況,參加者可更改課程日期一次或在提前48小時通知的情況下申請退款。請務必使用您希望接收票券的電子郵件地址進行註冊。如需更多資訊,請發送電子郵件至, 或致電415-842-2526

$25.00 - $120.00

Family/Educator Workshop: RCP Y Primeros Auxilios (Spanish CPR) 20252501

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Al completar la clase de un dia de 9am-5pm, usted obtendrá su certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute).Esta clase de Primeros Auxilios y RCP Pediatrico (CPR and First Aid- Spanish) te concederá certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute) lo cual es un programa de entrenamiento afiliado y aprobado por la Autoridad de Servicios […]


Family Event: Wednesday Playgroup 202502-06

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Playgroup for children, parents & caregivers, fun activities, build young brains + resources + ideas for home. MAX Capacity: 20 adults/kidsPlease join us at Children's Council, in room 120 @ 10:30-11:30 AM for Playgroup to engage in activities to support connection and communication, including resources and ideas you can use at home. Designed for children […]

Free - $50.00

Family Event: Wednesday Playgroup 202502-06

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Playgroup for children, parents & caregivers, fun activities, build young brains + resources + ideas for home. MAX Capacity: 20 adults/kidsPlease join us at Children's Council, in room 120 @ 10:30-11:30 AM for Playgroup to engage in activities to support connection and communication, including resources and ideas you can use at home. Designed for children […]

Free - $50.00


Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

完成此上午9點至下午5點的一日課程後,您將獲得健康與安全學院(HSI)頒發的認證這門兒科心肺復甦術(CPR)與急救課程將授予您由健康與安全學院(HSI)頒發的認證,該機構是加州緊急醫療服務局(EMSA)認可的附屬培訓計劃。HSI 的 MEDIC First Aid PediatricPlus 培訓課程已獲加州緊急醫療服務局(EMSA)全州範圍認可,並符合加州對托兒服務提供者的培訓要求(22 CA ADC § 100000.17)。此課程為一日課程,安排在指定日期的上午9點至下午5點舉行。您必須全程參與才能獲得認證。課程地點:445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA 94114。課堂期間不允許攜帶兒童,並且不提供托兒服務。若遇緊急情況,參加者可更改課程日期一次或在提前48小時通知的情況下申請退款。請務必使用您希望接收票券的電子郵件地址進行註冊。如需更多資訊,請發送電子郵件至, 或致電415-842-2526

$25.00 - $120.00

Family/Educator Workshop: CPR & Pediatric First Aid (English) 20251101

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

At the completion of this one day course from 9am-5pm, you will receive your certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI).This pediatric CPR and First Aid class will grant you certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI), which is an approved affiliate training program by the California EMS Authority (EMSA).This class is a […]

$10.00 - $120.00

Family/Educator Workshop: RCP Y Primeros Auxilios (Spanish CPR) 20252501

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Al completar la clase de un dia de 9am-5pm, usted obtendrá su certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute).Esta clase de Primeros Auxilios y RCP Pediatrico (CPR and First Aid- Spanish) te concederá certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute) lo cual es un programa de entrenamiento afiliado y aprobado por la Autoridad de Servicios […]


Family/Educator Workshop: CPR & Pediatric First Aid (English) 20251101

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

At the completion of this one day course from 9am-5pm, you will receive your certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI).This pediatric CPR and First Aid class will grant you certification from the Health & Safety Institute (HSI), which is an approved affiliate training program by the California EMS Authority (EMSA).This class is a […]

$10.00 - $120.00

Family/Educator Workshop: RCP Y Primeros Auxilios (Spanish CPR) 20252501

Children's Council of San Francisco 445 Church Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Al completar la clase de un dia de 9am-5pm, usted obtendrá su certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute).Esta clase de Primeros Auxilios y RCP Pediatrico (CPR and First Aid- Spanish) te concederá certificación del HSI (Health & Safety Institute) lo cual es un programa de entrenamiento afiliado y aprobado por la Autoridad de Servicios […]
