Help Paying for Child Care
Children’s Council and our partners offer a variety of financial assistance programs that may partially or completely cover the costs of care for children from birth until the age of 13* (for state funded programs only).
The first step in this process is to assess if you are income eligible for financial assistance. Our Child Care Financial Assistance Eligibility Calculator will help you to determine if you are eligible for child care financial assistance and guide you through next steps for a successful application.
Or you can speak directly to one of our Resource & Referral teammates by calling us at 415.343.3300 or email, who can help to determine if you are income eligible for child care financial assistance.
Families earning up to 110% of the Area Median Income (AMI) are eligible for fully funded tuition (FREE enrollment) in the Department of Early Childhood’s (DEC) Early Learning For All network. Families earning between 111% – 150% of the Area Median Income (AMI) are eligible for a tuition credit for 50% off DEC’s published tuition rates. Families also must be residents of San Francisco in order to receive Early Learning For All financial aid.
If you believe you are eligible, click here to apply.
Maximum Gross Monthly Income By Family Size
Family Size 1 or 2 | Family Size 3 | Family Size 4 | Family Size 5 | Family Size 6 | Family Size 7 | Family Size 8 | |||
Fully Funded Tuition | 0-5 age range eligibility/ must be SF resident | Early Learning for All – Income 110% AMI | $10,992 | $12,363 | $13,738 | $14,838 | $15,938 | $17,033 | $18,133 |
Tuition Credit | 0-5 age range eligibility/ must be SF resident | Early Learning for All – 50% of DEC Published Rate; Income 150% AMI Note: Not administered by Children’s Council. Click here to apply. | $14, 988 | $16,858 | $18,733 | $20,233 | $21,733 | $23,225 | $24,725 |
Sliding Scale | 0-13 age range eligibility/ when funding is available | State Child Care Voucher CAPP & FCCHEN | $6,595 | $7,472 | $8,712 | $10,106 | $11,500 | $11,761 | $12,023 |
For important financial forms and documents, please see our menu below.
Information About Family Fees
State subsidies usually require families to pay a portion of their child care costs through “family fees.” However, San Francisco’s Department of Early Childhood covers the cost of family fees associated with many state subsidies at programs operating in San Francisco giving low-income families access to FREE early care and education. Find out if your family is eligible using our eligibility calculator!
Apply for Financial Assistance
Take the first step to see if you qualify for financial assistance for early child care and education: click here to apply.
Children’s Council is here to help! Please contact our counselors to learn more:
- Phone: 415.343.3300
- Email:
Documents and Forms – English
- Intake Packet Forms
- Employment Verification Form
- Update Employment Verification Form
- Family Subsidy Policy Handbook (Stage 2, Stage 3, CAPP)
- Family Subsidy Policy Handbook (Referral Programs)
- Family Subsidy Policy Handbook Early Learning For All
- Seeking Employment Form
- Statement of Exceptional Needs
- Statement of Parental Incapacity
- Vocational Training Guidelines
- Seeking Permanent Housing Form
Documents and Forms – Español
- Formularios de Admisión
- Verificación de Empleo
- Verificación de Empleo para Actualizaciones
- Manual de Reglamentos del Subsidio Familiar (Etapa 2, Etapa 3, CAPP)
- Manual de Reglamentos del Subsidio Familiar (Programa de Remisiones)
- Manual de Reglamentos del Subsidio Familiar Early Learning For All
- Plan para cuando se está Buscando Empleo
- Declaración de Necesidades Excepcionales del niño
- Declaración de Incapacidad de los Padres
- Normas sobre la Formación Profesional
- Plan para buscar Vivienda Permanente
Documents and Forms (文件與表格) – 中文
- 入学表格 (Intake packet forms)
- 就業核查 (Employment Verification)
- 更新就業證明 (Employment Verification Update)
- 家庭福利政策手冊 (州資助計劃) – (Family Handbook Stage 2, Stage 3, CAPP)
- 家庭補助政策手冊 (Family Handbook -Referral Programs)
- 家庭補助政策手冊 – Early Learning For All (Family Handbook – Early Learning For All)
- 尋找工作計劃表 (Seeking Employment)
- 兒童特殊需要聲明書 (Statement of Child’s Exceptional Needs)
- 喪失工作能力聲明書 (Statement of Parental Incapacity)
- 學生家長職業培訓指引 (Vocational Training Guidelines)
- 尋找永久住所計劃表 (Seeking Permanent Housing)