2021 City Kids Family Fair

Thank you for making our 2021 City Kids Family Fair fun, special and safe!
Please enjoy these engaging activity videos
from our 2021 City Kids Family Fair Partners:
Storytime in English, with JAMaROO
Bi-lingual Sing-Along (Spanish), De Colores, from JAMaROO
Yoga Moves for Kids: Get Moving with It’s Yoga Kids
City Kids Family Fair is a fun, family-friendly event that showcases many of the early care and education programs and services available to San Francisco families through Children’s Council and many other community organizations.
Our 2021 in-person event featured fun booths with free resources, giveaways, activities, entertainment and more!
Guests joined us for:
- Bi-lingual movement & music from JAMaROO Kids
- Martial Arts demonstration by United Studios of Self Defense – Don’t miss the Lion Dance & Drum!
- Bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles from Bubblemania
- Yoga and movement from the Main Stage with It’s Yoga Kids
- ‘Freedom from Training Wheels’ exercise with the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
- Make your own playdough activity
- Pop-up Play Lab
- Free produce and diapers, while supplies last
- Child care information and resources
- Community resources for parents and families
After holding our City Kids Family Fair [Virtual Edition] online last year due to the pandemic, we were excited to be back (safely) in person in 2021! COVID-19 protocols including limited capacity and timed entry were implemented to ensure the safety of our attendees, sponsors, staff and volunteers, while still allowing families to build connections, access resources and, have fun!
Thank you!
2021 Sponsors & Community Partners
Nutrition Sponsor

Booth Sponsors

Diaper Give-Away Sponsor

Book Give-Away Sponsor

Raffle Donors
Community Partners
Kindergarten to College
Parents for Public Schools- SF
Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families
Project Commotion
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
San Francisco Department of Public Health
San Francisco Parent Coalition
San Francisco Public Library
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
YMCA – Bayview
As a sponsor for our City Kids Family Fair, you are elevating the children, families, and child care services and programs of San Francisco. Sponsoring this event is a unique opportunity to put your name or your company’s name and support behind our mission of quality, affordable early care and education for all children in our city.
City Kids Family Fair es un evento divertido y familiar que muestra muchos de los programas y servicios de cuidado y educación temprana disponibles para las familias de San Francisco a través del Children’s Council y otras organizaciones comunitarias. Se implementarán los protocolos COVID-19 para mantener a todos seguros mientras disfrutan de los recursos y actividades de la feria. La capacidad será limitada. Es necesario inscribirse. Se requiere distanciamiento social y enmascaramiento.
城市兒童家庭資訊會是一個開心的,適合家庭的活動,展示很多通過兒童委員會和其他社區組織提供給三藩市家庭的早期照City Kids Family Fair 是一個開心的,適合家庭的活動,展示很多通過藩市兒童委員會和其他社區組織提供給三藩市家庭的早期照護和教育計劃。在資訊會中將實行COVID-19的協定,以保持每個人在享用資訊會的資源和活動時的安全。人數有限。須事先登記。須保持社交距離和戴口罩。