CEO Gina Fromer Named CAPPA Board President

We’re thrilled to announce that our CEO Gina Fromer has been appointed Board President of California Alternative Payment Program Association!
Established in 1977, Cappa Advocacy is the State’s leading voice for public and private nonprofit agencies who provide child care subsidies to families, to ensure children keep learning while parents are earning.
According to Gina, “For over four decades, I’ve devoted my life and career to serving the needs of families in communities across California. As a native San Franciscan, born and raised in Bayview-Hunter’s Point, I know from firsthand experience how important quality, affordable child care is to our state’s working families.
Many years ago, when I was a young, single mother trying to start a career, I turned to Children’s Council of San Francisco for help in finding child care. Without that critical support, I would never have been able to finish college and break a generational cycle of poverty.
Now, as CEO of Children’s Council and CAPPA Board Chair, my life has come full circle and I have the amazing opportunity to support our collective membership in making a difference in the lives of thousands of children, families and early educators in this great State of ours.”
Read Gina’s full statement and her priorities as CAPPA’s new Board Chair.
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