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Children’s Council Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2024

Join us in celebrating our bold vision for a more inclusive future for San Francisco.

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July 08, 2024

José A. Rodríguez named Chief Human Resources Officer at Children’s Council 

Children’s Council is pleased to announce that José A. Rodríguez will serve as Chief Human Resources Officer for the 50-year-old organization.  “We are pleased to welcome José to the leadership […]

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July 08, 2024

Spotlighting Childrens’ Council’s New Electric Vehicle

By Laura Urban, Associate Director of Health & Nutrition Children spend upwards of 40 hours per week in childcare, giving child care educators a unique opportunity to shape healthy behaviors […]

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June 25, 2024

Success Story: Protecting Baby Proposition C Funding

About a month ago, Children’s Council of San Francisco, along with the SF ECE Advocacy Coalition and our Early Childhood Education (ECE) community, faced a significant challenge. We learned that City Hall was considering cuts to Baby Proposition C funding, putting about $65 million at risk over the next four years due to the city’s budget crisis. In response, the SF ECE Advocacy Coalition quickly convened to strategize on how to engage the Mayor’s Office and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

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