Handling the First Day of School

By Claudia Quinonez
Strategic Innovations and Partnership Manager
Children’s Council of San Francisco

Claudia Quinonez and her family

The start of school always brings back memories: excitement, nervousness and curiosity all mixed together. Having worked in the child care and early education field for nearly a decade, I’ve talked to countless families about the first day of school and everything that comes with it. Now, as a mom, it’s so interesting to see my own children go through their own experience.

My youngest has always struggled with separation anxiety, so this year I started preparing him far in advance by talking about all the fun things he will do at school, who his teacher will be and the types of enrichment/activities he will learn in his after school program. I was able to see the fruits of my labor on his first day of school: it was a breeze! Although I could see he was nervous, he was a champ and said his goodbyes before heading up to his classroom. I was a proud mommy!

It’s difficult to know how your child will react and feel on the first day of school, there are so many emotions! But we always learn something every year and as long as we continue to be patient and understanding with our children, we will make each first day of school better and better.

When I read this recent article on the PBS website, it reminded me what an impactful, important and memorable experience the first day of school is for families. I recommend you check out this fascinating article that may help you better help you understand and navigate this unique rite of passage.

Cheers to a successful and fun school year!

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