The Evolving Role of Fathers

The role and meaning of fathers has changed over time. Fathers are taking care of children now more than ever before. And the traditional term “father” more broadly now refers to trusted male figures (e.g. grandfathers, uncles, and mentors) who also play a vital role in the growth and development of a child. Just like mothers, fathers help very young children develop skills that benefit social, emotional and cognitive growth.

Starting from birth, fathers play a powerful role in helping their babies form close emotional bonds built on love and trust. There are simple and everyday actions that fathers can take—like reading or singing to a baby, stroking a baby’s forehead, or being responsive to a baby’s cries—to promote bonding and attachment.

New research in recent years is outlining the unique and positive role that fathers play in their children’s health and development. For example, children who have involved and nurturing fathers demonstrate higher language and cognitive abilities and fare better in school. They also show higher self-esteem and more sociable behavior towards their peers.

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